
All my life I have been a passionate and a determined person. Loved to learn something new every single day. Didn’t matter if I learn from a child or from an elder what matters to me is knowledge and it is absolute gold. 

The journey that life took me through education, teaching, working in the corporate floors, and now into the eternal digital world was an ambitious path indeed. Since my childhood I was taught about the vibrations that we receive while hearing to the chanting of mantras by priests in temples, the ringing of a bell amidst the extreme silence, the positive vibe that gives chills through the body and meditation with the recitation of OM, which absolutely changes an aura of a person very powerful and optimistic. Such a bliss I must say! 

Recollecting every moment and often my ears were filled with constant whisper by my inner soul that I can do more than this for the wellbeing of numerous people around the world. I was predominantly looking over to my shoulders to understand what am I missing to concentrate on what is in my hand? My inquisitiveness and challenging nature drove me to this new journey to lead further life.

As a multifaceted individual, apart from my digital marketing training for WOMAN ENTREPENEUR across the world, I have also embraced my knowledge, love, compassion & goodness towards holistic healing practice through various scientifically proven methods and spiritualistic guidance with the blessings and guiding powers from the angels and supreme power GOD through tarot cards and angel cards. With the world believing in technology more than their inner self, I decided to channelize my energy by believing in me and GOD. The source of energy forces channelized in self with the help of nature is a method called REIKI which has been there for more than 90 years and me among the few, with the guidance and blessings of the supreme power learned to accept reiki as a medium, but it’s me who have to preserve to understand the ways required to balance the chakras in my body to heal people both emotionally and physically through the powerful guidance cards also known as angel cards.

Every individual in the world who believe in the existence of supreme power can relate to the power of constant messages received through various sources like numbers, lights & colours, the vibration in nature around positive and negative has been proved. Putting all this together a source of energy is transformed from the reiki healer to the person who is in need of the emotional and physical healing with the power of universe. 

The years of meditation, the self-contentment in my life and belief through every step I have taken including the strongest sound of a temple bell or the power of mantras chanted by myself at our own houses proved the presences of Special Forces both scientifically and supernaturally. The positivity and belief have also driven me to provide special practice of healing modalities through proper scientifically proved mediums like singing bowl, candle light healing, colour therapy, crystal therapy which operates on the power of chakras present in an individual body. Never had I known my aura would be the reason to the birth of “AURAA” a space established to facilitate angel card reading, tarot card reading and REIKI distance reading along with the power to feel the senses, positive and negative vibration through the cards, crystal, pendulum healing and more.

The materialistic feeling to support once health, wealth, knowledge and life decisions through my potential journey to empower people to achieve and fulfill their wish in this birth is a blessing in disguise as a normal human I am happy and grateful to render my services to this world.

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